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 Credit note

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3 posters

Posts : 16
Join date : 2010-02-07

Credit note Empty
PostSubject: Credit note   Credit note EmptyFri Feb 12, 2010 1:19 pm

I suppose I am lucky since I got one credit note from Albany Technologies.
But my customer refuses to pay me until Albany revokes definitively its dues.
The stopped the contract, but at date subsequent to the period invoiced.
They are very hard to get in touch with.

Is there someone else in the same case ?
What do you think I should do ?
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Posts : 26
Join date : 2010-02-10

Credit note Empty
PostSubject: Re: Credit note   Credit note EmptyFri Feb 12, 2010 1:34 pm

If your contract has validity, then the credit note is only part of the solution ad only for past invoice(s). What your customer wants is future proofing against being invoiced for your services under a valid contract with Albany - although honestly I do not know whether the validity of the contract is affected by the Liquidation and/or Administration, and whether any invoicing can in effect continue to take place from those companies under Administration. You will need to seek legal advice in this area - speak to your customer's legal department (this is what I did.) Remember that companies under administration can then reinitiate trading. I doubt this will happen with the Albany set as the name is mud and they would sooner start afresh with a new incorporation.

My client refused to set up a parallel contract too until Albany terminated the current contract. I was lucky enough to get my contract terminated effective on the actual start date as it was only 3 weeks in, and there were no issued invoices. My client was also kind enough to threaten legal action with the premise that I would not come in to work...

Remember, as long as you keep going to work, there is no breach of the Albany/Customer contract, and your customer will need to find grounds to terminate - e.g. terminate your emplyment, or make your position redundant and employ you under another auspice... All time consuming, and labourious.

I wish you all the best!
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Posts : 16
Join date : 2010-02-07

Credit note Empty
PostSubject: Credit note   Credit note EmptyFri Feb 12, 2010 1:49 pm

My contract finishes 31st december.
They issued credit notes for November and December, but they officially terminated the contract on 31st December.
I am just now afraid that the administrators try to get the money back (may them ?).
My customer is not kind at all ! They even do not communicate with me, while they know I am in a very difficult situation. But they talked to my lawyer - what a pitty to spend money just for that ...
I just need a paper saying "we, Albany, won't request money for nov & dec"
For 2010 I have a contract with my own company.
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Posts : 7
Join date : 2010-02-12

Credit note Empty
PostSubject: Re: Credit note   Credit note EmptyFri Feb 12, 2010 5:21 pm

I now can see why there was all that chaos at Albany. The most glaring warning sign should have been the damn excel that they sent out to show account activity. In the internet age? They should have gone bust for that alone!
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PostSubject: Re: Credit note   Credit note Empty

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