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 Last Note for Albany, Mirasol, The Revenue and RBS

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Join date : 2010-02-06

Last Note for Albany, Mirasol, The Revenue and RBS Empty
PostSubject: Last Note for Albany, Mirasol, The Revenue and RBS   Last Note for Albany, Mirasol, The Revenue and RBS EmptyThu Mar 25, 2010 2:00 am

Albany,Mirasol, the Tax man, RBS and the Glicks, the story of greed and stupidity.

We have been let down by the key decision makers in Albany ( Martin Glick, who is either a fool or a crook ) continued to run the company despite being disqualified ( according to Albany insiders ),

Grant Thornton ( ex Auditors ), the Inland Revenue ( Idiots on large final Salary pensions ), Royal Bank of Scotland Invoice financing ( this is the idiot end of Banking although RBS seems to have cornered the market on idiots from the top down, useless fools even by greedy Banking standards ) and CBW who seem to be giving away the profitable entities of the Albany *business* on the quiet ( they will have to answer for that shortly ), 25k on the fast growing APAC market via an MBO ! Then charge 10 k to set up a Creditors meeting where nobody except they and Idiot RBS gain.

According to the Adminstrators report which was distributed in a long and short form, and not to everybody ( this is at least morally wrong if not illegal ), they put together a balance sheet and expected PnL so bereft of explanation, structure and content a high school teacher would have given it a B-.

The stupidity of the Government owned RBS ( 1.5 Billions of bonus payments despite forecasting 5 Billions of heavy losses ...... again ) was that even they will lose out. They have recovered a couple of million from families and children who will soon be homeless, when they could have allowed this business to go on to pay their debts. They are not in the same league as the banks that gambled our savings on American mortgages, although they did that too.... and lost.

Even the Greedy Glick family may well have gorged themselves on the hard work of others for years with their fancy mansion, swimming pool, Yachts and stables but at least they can claim incompetence, ignorance and the veil of incorporation all said and done. No doubt they will have hob nobbed with their genuinely Rich neighbours bullshitting each other about how rich and clever they are ( they love to see each other fail though don't they ).

Start canvassing your MP's, CAB's,Lawyers, the Royal Institute of Chartered Accountants, and last and most least the Government, a useless collection of self serving *Pigs* ( quoting David Cameron here ).

Nobody will care a jot what I think, but I would rather die of starvation than disadvantage a fellow human being the way this motley crew have done. And That by the way is called Honesty, decency and Integrity.

Together they all amount to absolutely nothing, I pity them, and the more you have lost to their greed, the more you should pity them too.
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Join date : 2010-02-08

Last Note for Albany, Mirasol, The Revenue and RBS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Last Note for Albany, Mirasol, The Revenue and RBS   Last Note for Albany, Mirasol, The Revenue and RBS EmptyThu Mar 25, 2010 6:13 am


A very stong piece. Do you have information we don't?

I have sent off my RP1 form to the liquidators a while back but heard nothing (not even a receipt, are others in the same boat)?

I guess this was never going to end nicely, and I find the lack of communication and information annoying.
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Join date : 2010-02-11

Last Note for Albany, Mirasol, The Revenue and RBS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Last Note for Albany, Mirasol, The Revenue and RBS   Last Note for Albany, Mirasol, The Revenue and RBS EmptySat Mar 27, 2010 3:17 am

There is a case for false and misleading conduct against the principals of Albany - but the only issue now is - will they leave the country and/or disappear?
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Last Note for Albany, Mirasol, The Revenue and RBS Empty
PostSubject: Re: Last Note for Albany, Mirasol, The Revenue and RBS   Last Note for Albany, Mirasol, The Revenue and RBS Empty

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